Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Develop Your Own Cold Call Opener

How to Develop Your Own Cold Call OpenerHow to Develop Your Own Cold Call OpenerThe first few seconds of a cold call are crucial. Thats the moment when a prospect decides if theyre going to say No, thanks and hang up or if theyre going to give you a few moments to tell them more about what youre selling. So developing just the right cold call opener can make a huge difference in how well your schlussverkauf calls go. Using Your Elevator Pitch as a Starting Point A good cold call opener often sounds much like an elevator pitch, a quick sales appeal you could say to someone when youve got minimal time, like in an elevator when one of you might be getting off on the next floor. If you already have a strong elevator pitch, you can modify it into a cold call opener with little difficulty. If not, crafting your cold call opener can give you the basis for your new elevator pitch. Identifying Yourself The first part of your cold call opener is your name and company affiliation. You m ust begin by giving the person whose day youve interrupted the basic courtesy of identifying yourself. If you give only your first name, youll probably sound more friendly. And be sure to lead off with the name of the person youve reached once youre sure thats who it is. That will also help establish a connection between you. Mentioning a Benefit Quickly Unless the person youre calling hears something that would be helpful to them within a few seconds, they will hang up and get back to what they were doing. Thats why its crucial to quickly mention a benefit your companys product or tafelgeschirr can offer them. If your product can increase the efficiency of their manufacturing process by up to 33 percent, say that?. If your service can cut their online customer acquisition cost (CAC) by an average of 44 percent, say that. Offering Credibility To make your opening benefit more credible, provide some information on the reach of your company that will show it isnt some fly-by-n ight outfit. If more than 250 companies around the world that are similar to theirs have experienced that increased manufacturing efficiency, say that. If both your company and the one youre trying to land as a customer are small businesses, you might mention that six local companies they would recognize have lowered their CAC dramatically after using your service. Asking for More Time Now that youve made it clear exactly what youre offering, you need to ask your sales prospect for permission to tell them some more about it. Telling them youll take only a minute of their time when you dont know whether they have a minute to spare right then isnt the best approach. You may be seen as presumptuous and unworthy of any more of their consideration. Asking them whether you caught them at a good time is a better option. It shows youre aware of the demands on their time and youre not taking their attention for granted. If they say no, you can ask whether you could call them back later t hat day. If they say yes, you have permission to go ahead with a more-detailed pitch. Opener Examples Combining all of those parts would lead to openers like the following, all of which would be preceded by a confirmation that youve reached your intended prospect either a transfer to that persons extension or something along the lines of Hello. Is this Jos Salazar? Yes. Jos, this is Samantha at Fantastic Widgets. More than 250 global companies have increased their manufacturing efficiency as much as 33 percent by switching to our products. Is now a good time to speak with you about them?Jos, this is Samantha at Exemplar Marketing Services. Our company has lowered customer acquisition costs for six companies in Middletown, including ABC and XYZ, by up to 44 percent. Have I caught you at an OK time?

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Biggest Job Search Myth, Debunked

The Biggest Job Search Myth, DebunkedThe Biggest Job Search Myth, DebunkedJob boards. Company career sites. Recruiters contacting you through LinkedIn. There seems to be a vast amount of ways in which people can find work these days. And yet, theres still a job search myth that continues to pervade many a job seekers mind, and its thisAbout 70-80 percent of job listings are never made public. Instead, theyre filled through word-of-mouth, or networking.The Biggest Job Search Myth, DebunkedChances are, youve heard this info, because its been circulated for decades, according to the article, The Vanishing Hidden Job Market.Well-known (and well-respected) sites such as Forbes, CNN, and any Google search worth its salt will gladly report this figure back to you again and again. But heres the thing its not true.The author of this eye-opening article was so determined to track down the origins of this mythic stat that he conducted Herculean research to determine how it came to be.The Origin s of This Job Search MythAfter much digging, he traced it back to a New York Times article fromget this1980.Eighty percent of job openings are never advertised, Mr. Bolles said. Instead, you have to search for a job through contacts.So you have a frame of reference, Richard Bolles, the expert quoted, is the author of a career coaching book called, What Color Is Your Parachute?Doing a little more research, the author found that a Harvard sociologist, Mark Granovetter, was doing research for a book way back in 1974, and found that for people who found a job, 56 percent used personal contacts, while 37 percent used a more traditional approach, such as sending out resumes or applying directly to job postings.But then he was quoted in Forbes magazine stating that almost 75 percent of all successful job searches are the result of informal contacts. You knowwho you know.Why Debunking This Myth is Good for Job SeekersThis research is eye-opening for several reasons. First, it goes to show t hat the data being quoted is over 40 years old, and second, its still inaccurate, even for that time.Todays job search market is vastly different from that time period. The Internet and social media have made it easier than ever to find jobs.Case in point according to Granovetters research, a CareerXRoads 2014 Source of Hire study found that from 2011-2013, people were hired based on the following methodsReferrals 24 percentCareer site 17 percentJob boards 18 percentDirect source 9 percent (e.g., contacted through LinkedIn or already have your resume on file)3rd party 4 percent (recruiting agency)Others 20 percent (temp-to-hire, rehires, etc.)Theres no denying that referrals are a fantastic way to find a job. If they have to choose between two top-tier candidates, and one comes with a referral and the other doesnt, its most likely that the referred candidate will be offered the job.But numerous studies show that the hidden job market isnt all that hidden- and frankly, it never was.H ow Best to Approach Your Job SearchOne of the best methods to finding a job is to work both sides, i.e., networking and applying to job ads that are posted online.And by going to networking events, being professionally active on social media, and reaching out to potential employers for informational interviews just up your odds of getting hired.So the next time someone tells you thebogus stat that 80 percent of jobs are never advertised, tell them the good news (but let them down gently), and focus on making 2016 the year you find the flexible job that you wantReaders, have you heard of the 80 percent stat? Did you believe this job search myth was true? Let us know what you think in the comments below

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Army Commissioned Officer Jobs

Army Commissioned Officer JobsArmy Commissioned Officer JobsThe U.S. Army has structured officers in the Army Competitive Category (ACC) by grouping branches and related functional areas into personnel management categories called Career Fields. The establishment of Career Fields is designed to build an officer corps skilled in combined arms operations in the joint and multinational environment and fully experienced in the technical applications that support the Armys larger systemic needs.Regardless of the Career Field into which an officer is designated, all branches and functional areas in all Career Fields are found in the Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) and the Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA). Under a Career Field based management system, after promotion to major, officers are managed, professionally developed, assigned and promoted according to the requirements of their branch or functional area.Career Field DesignationOfficers are designated into abranch o r functional area (FA) in a Career Field by a selection board immediately following their selection to major. Senior captains are designated into the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) earlier in their 8th year of tafelgeschirr. The function of the Career Field Designation Board (CFDB) is to meet Army requirements by designating officers into a branch or FA in one of four Career Fields Operations, Information Operations, Institutional Support, and Operational Support. The CFDB considers anofficers preference, rater and senior rater input, officers experience and qualifications, and Army requirements. The results of the CFDB may require a change in the FA awarded during an officers 5th to 6th years of service.Career Fields and Functional AreasCareer Field designation(CFD) should not be confused with functional area designation. Officers will select and be designated into a functional area between their 5th and 6th years of service. They may or may not serve in this specialty or attend grad uate civil schooling prior to Career Field designation, which occurs around the 10th or 11th years of service. An officers personal preference is the most heavily weighted factor during Career Field designation. However, previous FA service and Advanced Civil Schooling also contribute to the outcome of the CFD process.Career BranchesA branch is a grouping of officers that comprisesan arm or service of the Army in which, as a minimum, officers arecommissioned, assigned, developed and promoted through their company grade years. Officers are accessed into a single basic branch and will hold that branch designation, which is later augmented between the 5th and 6th years of service with a functional area.An accession branch admits officers upon commissioning a non-accession branch admits experienced officers from the accession branches. With the exception of Special Forces, all other branches are accession branches. Special Forces recruit officers with a minimum of three years of experie nce. Officers will serve their first 812 years developing the leadership and tactical skills associated with their branch. They will continue to wear their branch insignia throughout their military service. All career branches are in the Operations Career Field.AssignmentsThrough company grade years, most officers willserve predominately in positions from within their basic branch. Some officers will serve in the functional area or branch/functional area generalist positions (not related to a specific branch or functional area) after they are branch qualified as captains. Following Career Field designation, officers will be assigned to positions within their Career Field (basic branch or FA) or to generalist positions. This type of assignment pattern promotes assignment stability and development within a branch or functional area.Branch CategoriesThe branches of the Army are categorizedin the table below. Some branches may fall under more than one category as noted in AR 600-3, para graph 32.Combat Arms BranchesCodeInfantry11Armor12Field Artillery13Air Defense Artillery14Aviation15Special Forces18Corps of Engineers21Combat Support BranchesCodeSignal Corps25Military Police Corps31Military Intelligence Corps35Civil Affairs38Chemical Corps74Combat tafelgeschirr Support BranchesCodeAdjutant General Corps42Finance Corps44Transportation Corps88Ordnance Corps91Quartermaster Corps92Special BranchesCodeJudge Advocate Generals Corps55Chaplain Corps56Medical Corps6062Dental Corps63Veterinary Corps64Army Medical Specialists65Army Nurse Corps66Medical Service Corps6768Functional AreasA functional area is a grouping of officers bytechnical specialty or skill, which usually requires significant education, training, and experience. Individual preference, academic background, manner of performance, training, and experience, and needs of the Army are all considered during the designation process.Depending on FA educational requirements,professional timelines of the individual of ficer and individual preference, officers may serve in a functional area assignment during their company grade years after they have completed branch qualification requirements. After Career Field designation, with the exception of Multifunctional Logistician Program (FA 90) officers, functional area officers not serving in the Operations Career Field will no longer serve in their basic branch. FA 90 positions are filled by officers from Transportation Corps (Br 88), Ordnance Corps (Br 91), Quartermaster Corps (Br 92), Aviation (AOC 15D) and Medical Service Corps (MFA 67A) all of whom remain affiliated with their branch. FA 39, FA 51 and FA 90 are the only functional areas that afford command opportunity. Functional are listed hereOperations Career FieldCodePsychological Operations/Civil Affairs39Logistics90Institutional Support FieldCodeComptroller45Academy Professor, United States Military Academy47Operations Research/Systems Analysis49Nuclear Research and Operations52Operations, Plans and Training54Information Operations Career FieldCodePersonnel Programs Management41Public Affairs46Systems Automation53Operational Support Career FieldCodeForeign Area Officer48Research, Development and Acquisition51Contracting and Industrial Management97

Friday, December 13, 2019

NYC Job Fairs and Events April 05 to 09, 2010

NYC Job Fairs and Events April 05 to 09, 2010NYC Job Fairs and Events April 05 to 09, 2010Monday, April 5 GoldenNetworking.coms High-Frequency Trading Happy HourLocation Johnny Utahs25 West 51st StreetTime 6 to 9 pmTo register Free. Registration recommended. Contact Edgar Perez at or call 516-761-4712.Tuesday, April 6 Shakers and Stirrers NYC- Networking for Professionals Networking MixerLocation OBriens Irish Pub and Restaurant134 West 46th StreetTime 6 to 8 pmTo register Fee $10 members in advance, $15 nonmembers in advance, $20 at the door. Contact Marissa at or call 212-227-6556.Thursday, April 8 Targeted Job Fairs Technology, Engineering and Security Clearance Career FairLocation Madison Square Garden4 Penn Plaza (Garden Terrace)Time 11 am to 3 pmTo register Visit Posted by Alex Tuttle,

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Basics of Rsum Examples

The Basics of Rsum Examples Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that may aid you with your work search. For instance, a deckblatt letter is an outstanding place to speak about a career shift or maybe to explain a lengthy gap in employment. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. A generic cover letter wont work to your advantage. In addition, its better if youve got a chance to inform your references ahead of time a future employer may be calling. Our inability to model the forms of materials which our students ought to be creating is hurting their capacity to effectively compete. Show the employer what you could bring to the table by listing past achievements and notable contributions and you will boost your probability of receiving an interview. If you need assistance figuring out the best way to do so, have a look at our office worker resume samples and expert writing tips. Employing action verbs in resume writing is as simple as any other type of writing, so long as you know what things to include and what things to look for. Irrespective of the format you select, you should incorporate an expert summary at the very top. The format string is parsed by the compiler and used to ascertain the number and sort of the rest of the arguments that are necessary. The very first illustration of RSUM is extremely straightforward. New Step by Step Roadmap for Rsum Examples For someone in the building and labor field, acquiring an abundance of skills and experience is essential. Stick to the tips above, and youll have a resume that compensates for the absence of knowledge and gets you the interview. This advice will be able to help you land your next standort in the present job marketplace. Princes who rise to power through their very own skill and resources their virtue in place of luck have a tendency to get difficulty rising to the top, but as soon as they get to the top theyre very secure in the ir position. Trying to find a new rental is a lot like putting in an application for work. Be certain to include quantifiable info to truly drive home how valuable you can be to a possible employer. If you are a great tenant previously, show it off on your rental resume. If youve lost your job, you have to earn a work search program. Review the work description and attempt to specify which qualifications appear to bring the most value to the position. You also have to speak about past experience. As soon as you have some expert experience, you will want to cut back your education section drastically. Previous experience for a paralegal is often required or preferred also. In the end, make certain you proofread Our resume examples can ensure youre prepared in the event you receive a referral.Have a look at our information technology resume samples for some tips about how to present yourself as the ideal candidate. The sphere of information technology gets more important e ach and every day. Personal information ought to be left off. The alignment information is believed to be a log info. Find out whether you are eligible for practically any unemployment benefits. The health care industry can be quite competitive. Unique kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a number of the exact same skills. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. Student ratings are among the most commonly used measures in teaching today. Transportation jobs involve a great deal of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can take care of that. Food service is just one of the most difficult industries to work in.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Objective on Resume - the Conspiracy

Objective on Resume - the Conspiracy In the majority of cases, a resume objective is simply a couple of sentences long. Resume objectives can be a little controversial. An objective is a brief statement that clarifies your goals about the kind of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. Ultimately, stating it is optional, but it can help convince employers that you know what you want and are familiar with the industry. A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even if its the case that you do not own a lot of related experience. Everyone has desirable abilities and experiences to provide employers including you Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write since you likely dont have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify how you know the sort of career youre searching for. Writing a winning college student career objective is a fairly effortless means to bolster your application for this intern ship or job youve got in sight. A well-written one is going to impress on the hiring manager the manners in which you are a perfect candidate for the job. As a result, while your resume objective should incorporate information on the career that you would like, you also need to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. It is often as easy as stating your preferred job title, or it may show where youve been, and where you aspire to go in your career. To begin with, consider the work description to see whether it indicates the form of skills the anbieter is seeking. Find all of the action verbs you require, here. As stated previously have to choose skills that have some relevance to the job which youre applying for. When youre crafting your resume objective, you should concentrate on particular abilities and experiences which are directly linked to the job. A crystal clear statement about how you are going to utilize your strongest relevant abilities and profe ssional experiences to satisfy the specific role youre applying for 3. The Upside to Objective on Resume Irrespective of your degree of job practical expertise, your resume structure is vital to making your program stick out. If thats the case, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the reach of your abilities and abilities. You will need to not just catch the hiring managers eyeyou should make certain that they study your statement and say Whew Assistant managers help manage staff and make sure customers are happy with their dining experience.